No matter the type, level of popularity of a business, one thing that a potential customer likes to view is the testimonials. They act as a representative of your company through a common tongue thus, adding genuinely to your products. While it is always a great idea to stamp a written testimonial on one’s website, to add more power or help attract the interested, video testimonials have always done the job for one.
With video testimonials, the audience can be made to put a face with the words and hear the words as they were intended to. Thus, this help reaches out to a larger audience with a much shorter investment than advertisements and also require less money as they don’t require much graphics.

However there are many types of testimonials. Thus, to help you on this, please find below the types of testimonials with examples.
With a list of questions set up and time invested to feature a customer, the brand can gain a lot. One thing that acts as a bonus here through interviews is that you get to know what all other improvements you can bring to match the needs of your customers. This, in turn, helps one in perfecting his/her marketing to this demographic. It also shows your potential customers how many satisfied customers you have, pre-existing for your product or service.
For example here in the below-given video, Yum-Yum video asked a set of questions from an agency they worked for. Thus, with these pre-set questions and customer’s answers to the various questions they were able to showcase the satisfaction one receives after seeing the end product (or edited video (here)).
Quote Testimonials
One of the most widely used and popular type of customer reviews. Having happy, satisfied customers provided with testimonials for the product they used, always works. The key feature one must look out for while coming up with them, is to pair a glowing text testimonial with the photo of your customer- a smiling face if possible. This helps convey a sense of satisfaction, open-mindedness, and approachability towards the company.
Quotes help instill visitors with confidence while the purchase of the product.
Along with mass customer reviews one of the major trends here in quote testimonials, the quotes by famous personalities like actors, businessmen, politicians. These are mostly inferred as testimonials with hero images.
A very popular example, wherein Robert Downey Jr. shows his love and trust for the company OnePlus.
Telling the “Before and After” story
Seeing you change, or bring in improvement in oneself. Who doesn’t want all these? Having a mundane life with no colors or changes NO ONE LIKES IT!. Thus, bringing in this idea of before and after videos where a person showcases his views before using the product and after helps in attracting the other customers. Seeing the vast change (positive) in someone else helps motivate others to try it on themselves too.
Here, through this video testimonial given below, the customer first, talks about the lack of space she had initially but after Easy closet’s addition to her room now she has ample amount of space for all her clothing accessories. This before and after type puts forward a problem first and then shows the best solution to it, acting as a pretty effective way of attracting the customers.
Video Testimonials on Mobile Phones/Social media Testimonials
Having your customers speak for you makes the testimonial worth the effort. Not just it acts as a booster for one to come up with new and more efficient products but also helps in uplifting the audience’s opinion about the brand. Video testimonials are now not just limited to big companies, any happy customer with a smartphone can record his/her views and a drop of video-recording acumen can supply you with the testimonial of your marketing dream. Easy isn’t it?
This type of testimonial gives it a more informal and friendly look at the review of the customers. It makes it feel more wanted by customers than the company( to give their thanksgiving in the form of a testimonial).Through the video, with no professional work required to shoot or no money invested a customer’s testimonial is ready and this can also be shared on social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc. Thus, acting like social media post (testimonials)
Customer Review Sites
Third-party review sites have been in great demand recently. Some very popular examples include Google Opinion, TripAdvisor, Shopify, etc. They are also very easy to get, especially if you send a post-purchase email to request a review. As these sites are not controlled by your company customer find them more trustworthy and unbiased. Thus, asking for a review from these sites would help or act as a good testimonial for your company.
Industry insider Testimonial
Customer testimonials from industry insiders are most powerful of them all. If your company is worthy enough to drive other industrial companies to speak for it then you are sure to attract other esteemed customers too. One more added advantage of Industrial testimonies is that the other companies trust worthy customers also gets attracted to your product/brand too. One can use the name of other companies to act as a testimonial. Example:
Coming up with long article sized testimonials are no more in use. Today’s average person is very busy and considers investing his time on something productive. Thus, 10 min or 30 min long article will surely not be read completely or even halfway long. This is where the usage of snippets comes handy in such situations. You can ask your customers to give a single line review on the product. With multiple single-lined reviews floating around, you are sure to catch the audience’s eyes.
Thus, don’t forget to ask/use your testimonials since they are the easiest and cost-efficient way of attracting the audience. Using any of the above-given types can help lift your business and enable it to reach new heights.
If you have any other suggestions please feel free to comment below.